Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Emmy's first day of Preschool. Such a big girl!
At a her cousins birthday party.

Some of you may have heard that we (The Beals) are moving. Well it's true. We are "planning" on moving October 27th. It's soon...truely a bittersweet time for us. We have been praying for 3 years that God would show us where He wants us to "Land". Well this summer God moved...He opened a few doors for us to move to Bend, OR. Charlie will be able to keep his job which is huge...the adoption will not be affected which was our main concern...we will be able to live a simpler lifestyle...we will be able to save more money...and since we LOVE Oregon and all it has to offer we are excited to raise our children in a place like Bend.

Will you join us in prayer for this major transition in our lives?

We are also praying that God would open doors and open our hearts to possibly adopting an older child as well as a baby. We are considering a child Emmy's same age or a little younger. Will you pray with us as we decipher what God's plan is for our family. We want to help take care of the ophans...we want to provide a family for a child most people pass on...we have enough love for an older child...BUT is this God's perfect plan for our family? Is this Him putting this desire in our hearts or is it Charlie and I just feeling sad/guilty for these sweet children who need a home? God does not need us...He makes things happen. These children will not be without love and without a home. God WILL move. We don't want to get in His way. Pray with us God would direct and guide us in this decision. Thank you prayer warriors!!

We will keep you updated...

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