Friday, October 2, 2009

Wating children...

Most of you have asked us where we are at now...well we are officially waiting. What's that?! What'd you say?! What do we do while waiting? Well we, um...well see we's easy cuz we can, ummm....I don't know actually. What do we do while waiting?

We've been praying and we've been praying some more. Yep and still a little more praying. :D

During the waiting period we recieve "waiting child" referrals. It's a list of children that are just "waiting" for someone to adopt them. These sweet faces are waiting for a forever family. A family to open their arms and hearts to love them. Most of these children have a disease...HIV perhaps, TB, or Hepatitus. Some of them are waiting simply because they are older and most people pick the babies. Some might have deformities. Whatever the reason...they too are waiting. We have a lot in common.

I pray for these children...we pray. We pray for God to speak into our hearts if one of these children are supposed to be ours. We pray for God's comfort. We pray for families to come forward...and if it's us that we would come forward. But most of all we pray for their salvation. Their little precious lives to collide with God Almighty...and that they would accept His gift of salvation. That they would have an eternal Father.

It's been extremely hard for me to be faced with these children and not cry everytime I see their faces. For me not to be mad at anyone I can blame for letting this happen. I feel helpless when I (we) have so much at our disposal and could help in so many ways...but I don't know where to start but to support orphan ministries, pray, and pray some more. My heart is heavy for these children. For the 147 MILLION CHILDREN who are orphans. It's an overwhelming's a staggering number.

But God is bigger than that much bigger. He is caring for these children. He loves them.

I can continue to pray and ask God how He wants me to help. I can continue to pray for these children. I can continue to encourage others to step out in faith and ask God how they can make a difference in these children's lives. I can Trust God is Sovereign and is moving mountains in these children's lives. Trust...

Will you pray with me for these children?

Blessings to you my friends! :D

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your updates! You are a good communicator Bub. Love you much :)
